Spiritual Direction is a ministry of holy listening that offers you a safe place to talk about and process your values, beliefs, emotions, reactions, and thoughts concerning all the situations of your life and relationships including your relationship with God, self and others. All topics and all relationships have a spiritual element and can lead to spiritual growth, freedom, self-awareness, and a more conscious living out of your values and beliefs. Spiritual direction is not a spiritual director telling you what to believe or pushing their beliefs on you.
Cathy was formally trained as a spiritual director through HeartPaths DFW and has received additional training in the Enneagram as well as feelings and needs based communication. She also writes and teaches classes including Creative Ways to Pray and Experience God, and Introduction to Contemplative Prayer. Cathy has a passion for helping women find self-acceptance and love through practical tools, contemplative practices and a deepening connection to God. Spiritual direction is a holy space where you can grow in self-awareness, self-acceptance, inner freedom and openness to God’s love.
Because it is a ministry often spiritual directors have a range in their pay scale and will often have reduced prices for students. My current pay scale range is $40 to $80. Students are $25. A common schedule for spiritual direction is once a month so the price over the course of a year can be very affordable.
I am happy to do a free consultation either on the phone or in person to help you discern whether spiritual direction may be helpful for you. Contact me through any of the following ways:
Email: asiu@msn.com
Facebook: @catherine.weiskopf
Linkedin: catherine-weiskopf-61357015
The reasons people seek spiritual direction are varied and possibly infinite but here are a few reasons:
There are many flavors of spiritual direction and I as a spiritual director am open to adapting spiritual direction in any ways that are helpful to my directees including the use of art, walking, spiritual direction through writing, book studies, etc.
Typically a session will start with some sort of prayer - usually some sort of contemplative prayer practice - which can have the effect of helping you to slow down and turn your attention inwards. After the prayer is over we may discuss anything that came up for you during the prayer. I may ask questions that call your attention to ways in which you reacted to words that were said and what those reaction may reveal.
We will then talk about anything you brought to talk about during this session. Since all relationships and situations are spiritual we can start anywhere. An issue with a loved one may lead us to emotions, needs, thought, beliefs, images, and ultimately where you see God in this situation.
I may use tools that I have learned including the Enneagram, non-violent communication, theological reflection, Ignatian discernment, story thickening and shadow work to assist you in getting some understand and freedom around places of stuckness.